If you want to produce a written text in a different language, you need a professional translator who is a native speaker of the target language.

If you are looking for someone to attend an event in person to facilitate oral communication between two or more people, then you need an interpreter.

Translation costs depend on the area of specialisation, the language combination requested and the length of the text.

As such, the best thing is always to send us a copy of the text to be translated by e-mail, specifying the language you wish to have it translated into.


If it is not possible to send the text immediately, then please specify:

– the source language

– the target language required

– the type of text (certificate, contract, financial statements, manual, etc.)

– the file format (Word, Excel, xlf, pdf, json, etc.)

– the precise number of words.


If the file is in Word format, simply go to the Review menu and click “word count”. In any other format, it can be difficult to obtain a word count; as such, we would be happy to estimate the number of words for you.

Sworn translation is a broad term that can include two different services:

  • For translations from a foreign language into Italian, it refers to the certification service.
  • For translations into a foreign language, it includes both certification and legalisation.



This simply involves swearing to the accuracy of the translation before the Court Registrar. A folder containing the original document, the translation and an oath statement must be presented, with a € 16.00 revenue stamp applied for each 4 sheets of translation (the statement is also included in the count). The cost of revenue stamps may vary over time depending on the applicable laws.
This service is performed in one working day, except in the event of delays at the Registrar’s Office of the Court of Forlì.

The original document, or a certified true copy of the same (which can be obtained from your local town hall), must be submitted to avail of the sworn translation service. As such, we need to physically receive the documents in hard copy in order to provide the service.



This is the process required to make the certified translation valid for use aboard. It is performed at the Public Prosecutor’s Office after certification and requires approximately 3 working days. Once the translation has been filed, the public prosecutor’s office holds onto it to apply an Apostille or legalisation stamp containing the details of the document. The stamp applied varies depending on the recipient state in question; as such, this information must be specified at the time of filing.

Simultaneous interpreting is the most common for large conferences (e.g. European Parliament meetings). Sessions lasting more than 30 minutes always require two professionals, seated together in specially equipped booths. The interpreters listen to the speaker through their headphones, and simultaneously interpret the content into their target language, speaking into the microphone connected to the audience’s headphones.

Characteristics and basic requirements of the service: 2 interpreters, audio system, service performed while the speech is being given


Consecutive interpreting involves speaking in turns. This service is also performed in a conference setting, but the dynamics are different. The speaker talks and then hands over to the interpreter, who repeats the content in their target language. This service also requires the rotation of two professional interpreters for extended sessions.

Characteristics and basic requirements of the service: 1 or 2 interpreters, no specific audio system, twice the amount of time (speaker talks + interpreter talks)


Liaison interpreting is the simplest service and is very commonly used at fairs and on business trips. The interpreter accompanies the client to business meetings and participates in the communication process throughout, ensuring smooth communication between the two parties.

Characteristics and basic requirements of the service: 1 interpreter, no audio system, in-person service that may involve travel.

No! Translation is intellectual work, and we respect that.

Each translation project is carried out by a qualified professional, who translates each word of the text, drawing on their skills and appropriate terminological research.

The software we use – known as CAT tools – supports translators by helping them ensure the utmost consistency and quality. It speeds up the process by identifying similarities among individual segments of text, and replicates the layout, preventing file corruption. What it does not do is automatically translate the text in place of the professional translator.

A CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tool is a piece of translation support software that makes it possible to store translated segments (sentences or portions of sentences in a text) in a database to be consulted for future translations, thus guaranteeing consistency over time and making it possible to apply discounts based on repetition, i.e. the (percentage) presence of portions of text previously translated or simply identical to other segments of text within the same document.